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Will you have to shave off the hair for Hair Replacement System/ Hair Patches?

If you opt for the sticking method then there is a most common question that arises in the mind of people: Will you have to shave off the hair from the top? The answer to this is Yes. In the sticking method, we need to shave off the upper part to stick to the hair system. When the hair present on the upper part begins to grow then the hair system gets loose as it pushes the hair system while growing.

As a result, the hair system will not get the proper grip. Hence, it becomes very necessary to shave or trim the upper part. If you don’t wish to shave the top area then definitely this option is not for you. 

The second question that arises is: Will the scalp gets damaged and the answer to this is No. There are many times when people opt for local products that are not medically approved. This might cause huge damage to the scalp. It is always advised to use only medically approved products as there is no scope for any infection. If the scalp is very sensitive then we recommend using mild glue which has a less life span of around 15 days.

Usually, we opt for strong bond glue which has a lifespan of around 25 days. When the scalp gets used to glue then the service will be once in 30 days. You might also feel itchy for a few days. If you feel itchy then you don’t need to scratch it that might cause damage to the hair. Whenever you feel itchy then you just need to tap it. 

The next question arises: Will the hairline looks natural and the answer to this is of course. When you compare the sticking method clip-on method then the Stick-on method will give the most natural result. Whereas in the clip-on method, clips might create an unnoticeable gap that will never give you the natural look.

The stick-on method is seamless and will allow your scalp to breathe. The glue or tape is on the perimeter area only so that the entire area can breathe. Air and sweat can easily pass through the Base Mesh. It is most secured when compared to other methods. It has a very high bonding period due to glue and tape

Hair related activities like washing the hair can cause hair to fall. Hair fall occurs in every natural hair system overtime. The life of the hair system depends upon the hair system density and the base material that is used. Usually, a thin base may last for 3 months and a thicker base can approximately last for 6 months.

You can comfortably sleep wearing a stick-on hair system and you will get used to it over some time. It is a single strand implanted base which has a free-flowing parting. This will help you to try different hairstyles and it can be changed very easily. It is advised not to use strong products for this method as the hair system is very delicate.

A strong product removal process may cause hair loss. Try to use products that are very mild like water-based gel, mild serum, and mild wax. You can shampoo your hair once or twice a week. If you have a very hectic lifestyle then you can rinse your hair instead of using shampoo.

Don’t oil your scalp while wearing it. You can have an oil massage when you go for service. Wearing a helmet won’t affect the hair system. You just need to restyle your hair after removing the helmet. Initially, we will never recommend doing the service by yourself but you can learn it step by step as time goes. Here are the methods of sticking:

The glue method is seamless but has a lesser life span.The combination of tape and glue has a longer life span.
The bonding period is very less ranging from 15 to 20 days.It will last from 25 to 30 days.
If you have more questions about the bonding system then you can reach out to us at any time. We will be happy to assist you!
For More Details Feel Free To Call Us: 9666835222.

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