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Things to keep in mind when ordering a Hair System

Hair loss truly affects a person’s confidence and hampers his or her social life and career. A non-surgical hair system always strives to provide a hairline that matches your hairline. Hair density, color, and front hairline placement are some of the factors that will give a natural look with a non-surgical hair replacement system. We at Bglam Hair Studio are always there to assist you to avoid mistakes when ordering the hair system for the first time. This will help you to make better decisions and the things that you should keep in your mind.

Hair Color:

Opt for a hair color that will suit your age. Different sections of hair are lighter and darker than others. Also, as time passes you will begin to get a few gray strands. Considering all these factors you should go for the hair color that will give you a natural look.

Complex hairstyle:

It is always good to choose a hairstyle that is simpler as it will help to style your hair on your own without any complications.

Wrong measurements

It is very important to provide correct measurements of the balding area. Exact measurements must be taken as incorrect ones can end up being ill-fitting or uncomfortable.

Improper blending and cut

Take the help of the professional to opt for a style or cut that blends with your existing hair system.

Extra hair system

It is always recommended to have an extra hair system in case of emergencies. Having a spare hair system can be a savior when your actual hair system gets damaged.

Wrong hair density

Wearing a hair system with very high hair density can feel and look very unnatural. Our professionals can assist you in deciding the hair density suitable for you.

The shape of the front hairline

A perfect and accurate hairline shape can be considered as a very important factor to achieve a natural appearance. If the shape of the front hairline is not going well with your hairstyle and shape then the hair patch can be easily detectable.

Wrong placement of the hairline

If the hairline is not placed properly then it can be easily noticeable and look fake. The correct placement of the hairline will make it look natural and real.

Our professionals are always there to assist you to avoid making any mistakes while ordering a hair system. You can reach out to us at any time and we will be happy to help you!

For More Details Feel Free To Call Us: 9666835222.

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