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Transitioning from Clip-on to Bonded Hair System

The clip-on method can be considered as an immediate solution that can put an end to hair loss struggles. Clip-on is an easy and quick way to give yourself a thick, full head of hair again. It gives you the freedom to wear it whenever you like and there is no need to shave your head. To attach the hair system you will have to clip the clips to the existing hair. You can also opt for a tape/glue system if you want the hair on your head for a longer time. In this post, we will talk about switching from a clip-on to a bonded hair system. It might become very difficult to wear the clips when the hair becomes thinner. There are many things to be considered when you consider transitioning from a clip-on to a bonded hair system.

  • You experience the pain as the hair is being pulled
  • You are comfortable showering and sleeping in your system
  • Difficulty in adjusting your hair several times in a day
  • You are not comfortable with a clip-on hair system
  • You are looking for permanent options
  • Your hair has a very low density
  • Looking for a more natural and undetectable hair system

Switching to Bonding Hair System

If you are uncomfortable with the clip-on hair system then transitioning to a bonding hair system would be very easy. It can be considered as one of the simplest and easiest ways. You also have the freedom to redesign your hair system which will be less detectable and lighter. There are several bonding options available for attaching the hair system. This method gives you flexibility and transforms your look without damaging the original hair which is truly amazing. You can achieve the desired results which are less detectable and also enhance your confidence.

You can reach out to us any time and we will be really happy to assist you. We can also help you in designing your hair system and give you the natural look.

For More Details Feel Free To Call Us: 9666835222.

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