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Things you should know about Non-Surgical Hair Replacement

The male pattern of baldness which is also known as androgenic alopecia can be considered as the most common type of men’s hair loss. If the facts are to be believed then there are more than 50 percent of men over the age of 50 who are affected by the male pattern of baldness. During this stage, the growth cycle weakens and the hair follicle begins to shrink which produces finer and shorter strands of hair. The best solution to this problem is non-surgical hair replacement which has made it possible for men to get a full head of hair.

Opting for a good hair replacement system can be considered very tedious work and involves many challenges. Different factors are considered before you decide on a hair replacement system. Firstly you will have to visit a professional who specializes in non-surgical hair replacement systems and can properly assess your hair. After an assessment of your hair, the professional will advise and make the natural-looking hair system accordingly. Here we have listed some of the factors that will determine a good hair replacement system.r.

Gives you natural look:

The hair replacement system looks so natural that it may appear that you never lost your hair at all. It is undetectable that matches the color of your existing hair and makes it look very natural.

Secure and Comfortable:

Hair systems are artistically and technologically advanced which makes it very secure and comfortable. Comfort always comes first than any other thing and a good hair system is comfortable to wear once you get used to it.

Additional information related to non-surgical hair replacement

Cost of the hair system

Cost plays a very important role in decidability for the hair replacement systems. Some people will love the bald look while others will feel insecure about their bald spots. It solely depends upon the preference of the people. A hair replacement system can be considered a much better option when compared to a hair fall solution. The price range of customized hair replacement systems is from Rs.50,000 to Rs.1,00,000. It depends upon the requirement of individuals and various other factors. The Indian market also offers cheaper options but they don’t have a good finish. Customized hair systems will give you the option to choose based on skin and hair. At Bglam Hair Studio we customized the units from the factory directly. They are available within the range of 25,000 to 50,000 Indian Rupees. Amazing, isn’t it?

Regular maintenance

The hair system requires regular maintenance and there are no side effects involved. The fine skin like membrane will need regular replacement as it wears off with time. We at Bglam provide different services at your doorsteps and understand the needs of the customers. There are two important things that you should keep in mind :
  • To fix the hairpiece to the scalp, you will have to trim your natural hair.
  • It will require monthly maintenance.
  • Boosts confidence
  • Painless procedure
  • Cost is comparatively less than hair transplant
  • Instant results
If you have any other questions or queries then you can reach out to us at any time. We will be happy to assist!
For More Details Feel Free To Call Us: 9666835222.

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