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How does the online ordering of hair systems work in India?

In this post, we will tell you Why you should consider online ordering during this coronavirus period. Several people reach out to us for an online consultation. Wherever you have service providers, you can request them to have an online ordering that will have a low-risk factor. It is always advised to avoid crowded salons that are not that safe. So you should start considering very convenient online ordering. You can have one on one consultation with our executives from your home. We will answer all your detailed questions over this consultation. So it is advised to shift to online ordering where you can get anything at your doorsteps. Here are the steps that will tell you how it exactly works:

Step 1: Call on our number +91 96668 35222 

When you call us then we will give you a set of questions related to your hair loss, pattern, etc.

Step 2: Answer all the questions and WhatsApp us back with all your answers.

Step 3: Once you answer all the questions then they will ask to send your picture/videos.

We will require the pictures from Front, Back, Side, and Top. This will give us a proper idea about your hair loss area, texture, and density.

Our consultant will again call you and ask you any questions that you have.

Step 4: After this, you can book a consultation slot. This is a video consultation.

You will be assigned with an appointment timing. All your detailed questions will be answered on this video consultation by our executive. We will also try to suggest what will be a good option for you.

Step 5: When all your queries are solved then you can place your order.

We will send you a video that will show you taking the measurements on your own. Our executives will also help you to take proper measurements. Once we get the measurements then your work is done. We will process the order depending upon the specifications that we have discussed and designed for the hair system. There are 2 options for this:

Semi-customized – Delivery time for this will be 10-30 days.

Fully customized – Delivery time for this will be 2-2.5 months.

We will deliver this to your doorsteps. We guarantee that the hair system won’t require any haircut that will blend beautifully. Blending is a very important factor in the hair system and we have the expertise to deliver ready-to-wear hair systems. If you opt for a stick-in hair system then you will have to look for a professional in your area who can do a proper fixing. If you opt for a clip-on hair system then there won’t be any of these issues. We will give you a complete ready to wear a hair system and you can call customer support to help you with any queries. We will give you a complete 6 months of hand-holding support.

So we have made the online ordering process very simple with the help of our expertise. Many people are not able to travel due to Covid and this notion will be the best for you. If you want any minor changes then we can incorporate those changes in the hair system and deliver them within 20 days on your next order. This is a small initiation from our team so that you stay at your home and be safe. We are trying everything possible so that you can place your order very smoothly without any hurdles. We will help you to take your first step towards gaining your confidence back.

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For More Details Feel Free To Call Us: 9666835222.

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