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Is Non-Surgical Hair Replacement Better Than a Hair Transplant?

There are many factors responsible for a receding hairline which are family history age, stress, and even health issues. Both men and women of all ages are affected by it. A hair transplant is a surgical method that involves moving the follicles of hair from a productive area to a balding area. On the other hand hair replacement systems can be considered non-surgical hair replacement solutions that are becoming very popular. In this post, we will find out which one is better and more suitable for you.

non-surgical hair replacement method is crafted using a lace-up material or polyurethane that completely sits on your scalp. Hair replacement methods are also known as toupes, wigs, or hairpieces. There is no restriction for this method ie. you can get any hairstyle, shading, length, thickness, and texture as per your needs. 

Benefits of non-surgical hair replacement:

  • No painful surgery
  • Suitable for both permanent and temporary hair loss
  • Available at affordable cost
  • Gives instant results
  • Donor hair not required
  • Easily customizable for style, hair color, texture, and shading.

Hair transplant can be considered as a surgical method that involves taking hair from one side of the scalp and transplanting it to another. This method requires many sessions and is very costly when compared to non-surgical hair replacement. This method is very painful as you wait for the swelling and bruising to go down..

Benefits of hair transplant

  • Good and permanent results
  • Low or minimal maintenance
  • Improves appearance and boost confidence
  • Gives natural look
  • Implanted hair continues its growth
It solely depends upon you to decide which option is better for you, hair transplant or a non-surgical hair replacement. Though the cost of non-surgical hair replacement is less than hair transplant but it depends upon your requirements. If you are still confused about making a decision for yourself then you can reach out to us at any time. We will be very happy to help you and our skilled professionals will help you to make a wise decision for yourself. We are always happy to assist you.
For More Details Feel Free To Call Us: 9666835222.

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