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Confused about whether to opt for a Hair Transplant or not? Is it a good option for you?

Hair Loss can be very confusing and upsetting but it is something that you have to deal with. People suffering from hair loss enquire about it from different sources like Google. Hair loss can be considered as a condition in which there are specific spots of baldness that appear on the scalp. Hair loss can occur to people belonging to all age groups that are most likely to occur between the ages of 20 and 40. When you search in Google there are different treatments available that will surely encourage the hair to grow back. There are two options that are available:
  • Hair Transplant –

Now the confusion arises as to which option is best for you. There is no proper or right information that is available for it. People come up with different experiences and suggestions that can be more confusing. So here we will answer all your valid questions like What is Hair Transplant? Why should you opt for a Hair Transplant? Why shouldn’t you consider Hair Transplant? This will help you to make a wise decision that is suitable for you. It is very important that you should know the price difference between Hair Transplant and Non-Surgical Hair Replacement. We are going to explain all this with the help of a simple example. 

Suppose a person who is approximately 23 to 25 years of age has a very good and nice density of hair at the top area. As the age of the person increases gradually and slowly, the loss of hair also increases. The top area of the scalp starts becoming very thin gradually. If a person has 50000 hair strands in the top area at the age of 25 then hair strands will go on decreasing with age. There is a tabular representation for it:

Hair Transplant

AgeHair Strands (Decreases with Age)
2550,000 Hair Strands
2630,000 Hair Strands
2720,000 Hair Strands
305,000 Hair Strands

This shows that hair fall happens gradually with age and other factors. When there are only 5,000 Hair Strands left then the scalp will be visible. This is the time when people opt for hair transplant options. Let us explain to you what does Hair Transplant exactly means. The backside of the hair is very strong when compared to the front area. The hair won’t fall from the back area very quickly. Usually, hair fall will be observed from the front area and front hairline area. The back area of the hair is considered to be very thick when compared to other areas. Hair transplant is a process in which hair is shaven from the backside and gradually each strand of hair is removed. There is a local anesthesia that is given for this process so that you don’t experience any pain. The roots of the hair also known as follicles are removed one by one. These follicles are then transplanted to the hair loss area. For eg: If 4000 hair grafts are removed then it is placed or transplanted to the hair loss area. The hair loss area consists of some natural hair as well. The transplanted hair is placed along with the natural hair.

Again let us go to the previous example where the person is having 50,000 hair strands at the age of 25. When he is 30 years of age then there are only 5000 hair strands left after the hair loss. After the hair transplant, 5,000 more hair strands are transplanted. Hence the density of the hair becomes 10,000. This can be depicted as:

50,000 Hair strands (at the age of 25) AFTER THE HAIR LOSS → 5,000 Hair Strands (at the age of 30) + 5,000 Hair Strands (through hair transplant) = 10,000 Total Hair Strands

But 10,000 Hair Strands cannot withstand the earlier volume of 50,000 Hair strands in the top area. With 10,000 hair strands, the part of the area is covered but was not able to achieve the volume. So after the hair transplant though you can achieve the volume it won’t give you the required density. So at many times, a hair transplant cannot be considered a very good option. So we always recommend our clients to go for Hairline Transplant in which transplant is only towards the front area or Hairline. So instead of adding hair strands to the top area, one can simply add that hair strand in the hairline area. The hairline area will automatically have a high density and there can be non-surgical hair replacement towards the back portion. The hairline will look natural and can be considered an excellent option. There can be a patch designed for the back area depending upon the front hairline density. Many celebrities opt for this option where they have a hairline transplant and a hair patch is placed on the back. It is very necessary to know about the complete process and then opt for a hair transplant option. For more queries and questions you can always reach out to us. 

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